Remit and Pay Commissions
Learn How to Remit and Pay Commissions
We’re back with more tips and tricks on how better utilize Vacation Creations CRM! A tip we think would help a lot of users is learning how to remit and check reservations!
In the Commission Remittances tab, it’s easy to go through and remit your commissions and pay your agents within 5 easy-to-follow steps:
- Check that the commission(s) are correct and in the received tab through reservation number or last name
- Once received, go to the Check Writer tab to pay agents
- Before paying an agent(s), check that all payment information is correct
- If you are paying one agent, you can click all commissions and hit Pay Agent
- If you are paying multiple agents, click all relevant commissions, scroll to the top and hit Pay All Agents
Congratulations! You have successfully (and easily!) paid your agents their commissions!
And be sure to check out our Remitting and Paying Commissions video for more detailed information, such as how to recall a commission, remove a mentor commission and more.
We hope that you learned something new from this! If you have a question you want answered, let us know! If you are wondering, other people probably are too and we want to be able to help all of our users use Vacation Creations to it’s full potential!
At Vacation Creations CRM, your suggestions and opinions are always important to us.
The Marketing Teams at Vacation Creations