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Best Times to Send Emails

Today we want to discuss the Best Times to Send Out Your Emails.

Email marketing can be extremely successful if you can run your campaign properly. An important part of any email marketing campaign is being able to pick a time to run it. Here are some tips on the best time to send out your emails: 

  • If you are planning on sending more than one email per week, send one on Tuesday and one on Thursday
  • For the travel industry specifically, Tuesdays are the best day to send out emails
  • Wednesdays are also good days, for the most part, try to avoid Mondays and Friday
  • Between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. is also a good time as people tend to check their email before they leave work for the day
  • Sometimes you can also get success with emails around 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • If your audience is a group of early risers 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. is great because you will be the first one in their inbox for the day!

Hopefully, as a user of Vacations Creations CRM, you should know that you have the ability to schedule send your emails. If you use the Email Marketing Feature, you can see the “This Campaign Will Be Run:” section when you open an email. Scroll down to see how to use this scheduling feature or click the button below to check out all the features included in the Email Marketing Feature.

This schedule send feature makes it easy for you to write your emails in advance but make sure that they are hitting your customer’s inboxes at optimal times. 

We hope you enjoyed these tips and we would love to hear how you used them in your marketing. At Vacation Creations CRM, your suggestions and opinions are always important to us.