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Delete a Reservation

Need to delete a reservation? We try to make our CRM as user-friendly as possible, but we are always here to help if you can’t figure something out. If you need some extra assistance learning how to delete reservations, this ones for you. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to delete a reservation. 

  1. This requires you to be logged in as an admin. By design, agents cannot delete reservations
  2. Click on the reservations button on the homepage or in the sidebar (top right corner on the homepage, 5th down on the sidebar)
  3. Once you are in reservations, click on current reservations (again, in the sidebar or on the main screen, they lead to the same place)
  4. Open the reservation you are trying to delete by clicking on it. Once it is open, there should be three dots in the upper right corner. 
  5. Click the three dots in the corner and click the delete reservation button. Click “YES” to confirm deleting it. 

We hope that you learned something new from this! If you have a question you want answered, let us know! If you are wondering, other people probably are too and we want to be able to help all of our users use Vacation Creations to it’s full potential! 

At Vacation Creations CRM, your suggestions and opinions are always important to us.