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Enable Notifications

When it comes to notifications, a missed one can mean the difference between a repeat customer and a request to be removed from email lists. 

Turning on notifications also allows your agents to constantly be connected, both with their customers and with you. This leads to better communication, more happy customers, and agents who are always on top of everything.

Agents can receive notifications for:

1. When customers submit a form

2. When customers complete a customer invite

3. When an agent has been assigned a lead

4. When a customer submits a reservation form

When agents are not receiving notifications, they are potentially losing customers. Agents can receive notifications through email or the Vacation Creations system with three simple steps:

1. Go to the top right corner of their page and click on their initial or picture

2. Hit “Edit Profile”

3. Scroll to the bottom and select which notifications you or your agent should receive

At Vacation Creations CRM, your suggestions and opinions are always important to us. We hope you found this set of instructions useful.