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Check If Commission Was Received and the Date It Was Received

We’re back with more tips and tricks on how better utilize Vacation Creations CRM! A tip we think would help a lot of users is learning how to check if and when commission was received. Keep reading to learn how! 

  1. First, log in as an admin.
  2. Click commissions, either on the homepage or in the sidebar (middle right on the homepage, 4th last in the sidebar)
  3. Once commissions have opened, click on “Commission Remittances” under it (again, in the sidebar or on the homepage, it doesn’t matter)
  4. The received list will display all the commissions that have been marked by an admin to remit to an agent. Locate the remittance by last name or the reservation number.
  5. In order to make changes to an already received remittance, the received remittance needs to be un-toggled. This is under the Commission Remittance column.
  6. Once it is untoggled, you can go into the reservation and make any changes you need. Make sure to save it when you are done.
  7. Once you have made any edits to the reservation, make sure to go back in and mark it as received again. 

We hope that you learned something new from this! If you have a question you want answered, let us know! If you are wondering, other people probably are too and we want to be able to help all of our users use Vacation Creations to it’s full potential! 

At Vacation Creations CRM, your suggestions and opinions are always important to us.